Monday, September 28, 2020

He never cared about his creditors.

The way Trump handles money appears to be that of a gambler and not a businessman. What if his inheritance was taken by his creditors? He would have resolved a lot of financial stress. Why isn't that important? He wanted his inheritance rather than paying the significant debt facing him. Why would he not want that financial relief his inheritance would provide?

Rather than paying debtors, he wanted the money to gamble with whatever he thought was his right to do.

What I see with him is a man chronically in financial trouble. He sees none of his obligations as important enough to resolve them. He didn't pay his creditors, the IRS, and his own contractors. Four times bankrupt.

A gambler knows the money he has spent is gone to him. But, the money further along the trail is still available to gamble with to win monies back to make good on the money he has already spent. The only reason I bring this up is that it is a very dysfunctional person that actually loses everything only to live in denial of his own problems in living within reality.

His actions with a fragile and failing father are completely devoid of any recognition of his own limits and the reality of his failing father never was a priority.

September 27, 2020
By Michael Karnish

Donald Trump was facing financial disaster in 1990 when he came up with an audacious plan to exert control of his father’s estate.

His creditors threatened to force him into personal bankruptcy, and his first wife, Ivana, wanted “a billion dollars” in a divorce settlement, Donald Trump said in a deposition. So he sent an accountant and a lawyer to see his father, Fred Trump Sr., who was told he needed to immediately sign a document changing his will per his son’s wishes, according to depositions from family members....