Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Benjamin Franklin on the last day...

 ...of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, when the constitution was adopted, stated to the American public, “What do we have a republic or a monarchy?” He then stated, “A republic, if you can keep it. OUR RESPONSIBILITY IS TO KEEP IT.”

Americans have forgotten their one vote is extremely powerful should they exercise it morally.

What terms do voters place on their vote? What level of moral character do voters look for in their candidates?

See, the high moral content of the USA is missing because voters have forgotten their power to bring about a good and decent government. They aren’t looking for good moral character which includes competency and qualifications. The American people have become reactionary rather than decided.

I don’t know if it is the social media sites influence or the deprivation of wealth or if it is the lack of commitment by the people to understand the depth of power they have in a vote, but, the past two decades seemed to have demoralized Americans in valuing integrity of government. I don’t mean the pomp and circumstance of government rituals, I mean real integrity that doesn’t disappoint Americans when they decide their vote and the votes are cast.

“Republicans Behaving Badly,” should be a real trigger to moving the vote away from those currently lying and changing their position in relation to a judicial nominee so close to an election.

It has been more than 4 months since the US Senate took up a meaningful COVID-19 Bill, but, it has been only days since a judicial nominee has been continuously talked about by Senate Republicans. The immorality in that dynamic is exactly the immorality Benjamin Franklin spoke of when the final US  Constitution was drafted.

It is up to the American people to vote for good and moral government. The fact the Republican judicial nominees voted to the court has stemmed out of one powerful lobby, The Federalist Society, should have every American worried. That fact should have every American scared to the future of the country. Currently 5 Supreme Court judges have come out of one lobby. That is not good for the country. What does it say about diversity of thought necessary to uphold the US Constitution? 

Disappointed is the word to use when bad behavior is allowed  by candidates in voting them back into office. Doesn’t responsibility for the integrity of the US Constitution begin with those elected to office to protect it? 

I believe the US Constitution is in peril and the electorate needs to reassess it’s responsibility to it before it is too late.