Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Russian vaccine is as dangerous as the virus.

He is using the Russian people as guinea pigs. Moscow is hungry for money. Putin doesn't care who he kills along the way. The announcement is premature and the clinical trials incomplete. The vaccine is worthless.

August 11, 2020
By Andrew E. Kramer

Moscow - A Russian health care regulator (click here) has become the first in the world to approve a vaccine for the coronavirus, President Vladimir V. Putin announced on Tuesday, though the vaccine has yet to complete clinical trials.

The Russian dash for a vaccine has already raised international concerns that Moscow is cutting corners on testing to score political and propaganda points.

Mr. Putin’s announcement came despite a caution last week from the World Health Organization that Russia should not stray from the usual methods of testing a vaccine for safety and effectiveness.

Mr. Putin’s announcement became essentially a claim of victory in the global race for a vaccine, something Russian officials have been telegraphing for several weeks now despite the absence of published information about any late-phase testing....

Expect Russian disinformation campaigns. I wouldn't be surprised if the vaccine is an injection of the virus.