Thursday, August 13, 2020

So Trump admits to be a criminal in tampering with the US mail service.

Trump is tempting Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris to DO SOMETHING to disqualify the November election.

The election needs to go forward and people should return their mail-in/absentee ballots. They should address that important task as soon as they can after receiving the ballot in the mail.

Trump is the biggest bag of wind that ever had a national microphone. The Postal Workers will get the job done and if there is evidence found that the mail services were tampered with and it has affected the election, the powers that be at that time can decide the path forward.

We are going to be fine.

With a deadly pandemic taking thousands of American lives every day with southern states exhibiting no control over the spread in their states the mail delivery is a vital connection to many venues of life, including political.

Show me an American that doesn't have a space in the house and/or garage where the mail and packages from Amazon aren't exposed to "germ treatment." There is no problem Americans can't handle. We did it when postal services were littered with bacterial warfare after September 11, 2001. We can do anything.

I trust Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to lead this country and that started when they announced their candidacy. I am not worried. No two people are more dedicated to the people of the USA than they.