Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Do NOT send the children to school. There is an old adage, "Better to be safe than sorry."

I thank the New York Times for this article. Ya know, it only takes one small virus to enter the school and all of a sudden there is exposure a society believed was impossible. The numbers while some might be improving is not low enough to even consider exposing the American children to the risk.

This isn't about a child missing a year of school. There are very good online options. This is about keeping them well and ensuring their future is not marred by COVID-19 maiming. They have to be protected. Their families have to be protected.

Don't be in a hurry. Time is on our side.

August 4, 2020
By Isabel Kershner and Pam Belluck

Jerusalem - As the United States (click here) and other countries anxiously consider how to reopen schools, Israel, one of the first countries to do so, illustrates the dangers of moving too precipitously.

Confident it had beaten the coronavirus and desperate to reboot a devastated economy, the Israeli government invited the entire student body back in late May.

Within days, infections were reported at a Jerusalem high school, which quickly mushroomed into the largest outbreak in a single school in Israel, possibly the world.

The virus rippled out to the students’ homes and then to other schools and neighborhoods, ultimately infecting hundreds of students, teachers and relatives...