Friday, May 15, 2020

Obamagate is a farce.

Trump doesn't know what Obamagate is because it is fiction. He is counting on anyone in the world to come up with the definition of Obamagate and then he will mimic the accounting. That is the case with most of his nonsense.

There is no Deep State except in the mind of Trump and his ability to sell the farce.

FOX News definition of "Infotainment" has never been more important.

I have to actually waste my time with this mess? Really? The fact that FOX News is endangering lives and should have their license pulled by the FCC. Does anyone think that will happen under the Trump administration? No. FOX News compromises the truth willingly and serves as the propaganda network for Trump. 

Murdoch's news empire is designed to SELL A MESSAGE, not report the truth. It is a political organization. Roger Ailes lives. So does the propaganda network of Andrew Breitbart. These networks lie as a mission.