Saturday, April 11, 2020

Don't make it illegal to shop when the merchant has done everything to prevent transmission of the virus.

Shop online and pick-up at the curbside.

People are going to need what appears to be frivolous items, such as batteries and plugs for their phones. Most everything today is done with data. Even getting government announcements about the virus to people is done with data. I find guidance by the state government to merchants can facilitate such needs.

Currently, "Best Buy" is taking orders online and fulfilling those orders at the nearby store with staff positioned at the front door curbside. The driver provides a name for the order and the staff brings it to the curbside on a trolley whereby the driver can place it in the vehicle. The staff then returns the trolley into the store for the next customer. The staff is keeping safe six feet distance from each other and customers. The trolley, of course, has to be wiped with a sanitizing wipe for any place customers may have touched, like the handle.

Merchants like Best Buy can report any failure OF THE METHOD in providing this service, but, it appears to be working. Many merchants can use that model including home improvement supplies such as Home Depot. I think that governors and their staff can provide that guidance to merchants in this regard.