Friday, March 06, 2020

The news out of China is not good. This coronavirus is proving to be atypical. The Wuhan area is not contained according to authorities there.

I am going to speculate about this virus for the sake of investigative ideas.

This virus came out of the same wildlife food markets as SARS. SARS was a extremely virulent virus unlike other coronavirus before. This new mutation has learned how to survive. It protects the virility of the pneumonia until the very latest stage to create a weakness in the host. Basically, it is trickier than SARS. 

I strongly suggest the origins of the virus has to be investigated, but, it is dangerous. The original spawning grounds may hold clues scientists don’t have at this point. I would have liked to have an animal specimen that were among the first to transmit it. The Chinese scientist that has since died, found it. His work and notes are invaluable.

One answer might be to find a DNA match that is lethal to the virus and attempt to synthesize a vaccine that is safe or an antidote administered nasally or by injection (IV, IM or Sub Q).

The wildlife are not sick from the virus and can be carriers. What of their immune system allows their continued viability and can that teach us anything that can translate into a vaccine, treatment or cure for the human immune system?