Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Iowa either is finding they are outside the polls previous to the caucuses or there is a lawsuit about the caucus process and flaws and/or inclusiveness. 

The Iowa Caucus has to explain the delays. If there is no reason forthcoming it is a confidentially issue.

The voters during the primaries need to remember that Mayor Pete is a liberal choice regardless of his conservative message. The country will manifest the fear of a gay president. Guarantee that will be the major focus of Republicans. For me, his willingness to has a chronic draft of young people is a No for me. I do not see a year of service to the country mandated because it will a drain on the country in the growth of the US military. 

Pete won’t win the election. Fear of the unknown policy is the problem with Progressives regardless of the proof of a policy and reassurances. Fear is what drives toward Trump and his Perfect Daddy message. Fear over rides his lies.

Now it is an APP failure? It takes this long to count the paper trail? Really?

The ages of the Iowa caucus population are nearly divided perfectly between the for age groups. All four age distributions are between 21 to 26 percent. It should give the PRIMARY candidates a good view of the Democratic Vote.