Sunday, January 26, 2020

The official website of Bruce Piephoff (click here)

...When Piephoff hinted (click here) he might be nearing the end of the set, Dodd, a restaurant server by trade, badgered him to play a few more.
“More coleslaw for that table,” Piephoff shot back.
Then he paused to assess the situation.
“I’ve gotten so used to playing these with other people, it’s kind of freaking me out,” he said. “When I get to a break I’m expecting a saxophone solo or Scott Sawyer on guitar. Oh well, it’s probably good for me.”
For his March 21 album release party at the Sharp Nine Gallery in Durham, Piephoff had been joined by many of the musicians who performed on the new record. Now, for the launch party in his hometown of Greensboro at Common Grounds coffeehouse, just around the corner from his place in Lindley Park, Piephoff was armed only with an acoustic guitar and his voice, a dusty instrument with occasional glints of loveliness....