Thursday, January 30, 2020

Gas lighting has worked for Trump all his life, including selling his false wealth to magazines like "Forbes Top 500 wealthiest men."

The faux legitimacy of Trump is everywhere and it is time Americans realize it.  Demand the US Senate to remove Trump from office. If they don't then they are simply using the same gas lighting as Trump.

October 3, 2019
By Eugene Robinson

...No apologies for the redundancy. (click here) Trump is trying to gaslight Americans by claiming, over and over again, that the smoking-gun evidence against him was actually a “perfect” phone call. He said it 12 times in brief Oval Office remarks Wednesday as Finnish President Sauli Niinisto quietly looked on, and four more times at their joint news conference that poor Niinisto had to endure as Trump went off the rails. He has said it repeatedly on Twitter, often in ALL CAPS. Since the rough transcript of the call was released last week, he has said it virtually whenever he has been within yelling distance of a microphone....

October 3, 2018
By Stephanie Sarlos

...Donald Trump’s gaslighting (click here) has led the country into a spiral of doubt, anger and despair.

Gaslighting behavior has always been present in history, to a degree. It is par for the course whenever a person or entity wants to exert as much control as possible over others. But we haven’t seen this level of gaslighting since the Axis powers of World War II. 

Consider Trump’s statement: “What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not happening.” Or this from Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s attorney: “Truth isn’t truth.”...

September 27, 2016
By Susan Dominus

When I watch Donald Trump, (click here) I sometimes feel like Ingrid Bergman — not European and glamorous, but unnerved, as though I’m being gaslit, as in the famous plot of her old classic movie “Gaslight.” The lights are flickering, but her character’s husband, who is secretly a seriously bad dude, is convincing her that no such thing is occurring. He is trying to get her to question her sense of reality, to think her mind is playing tricks on her — in short, to convince her that she is going slightly crazy, a tactic that can be scarily effective....

Has it gone this far to have to illustrate the ability of Trump to lie successfully to millions of people. Honestly? This far?