Thursday, September 26, 2019

I don't care if the Whistleblower actually is a spy. She or he is a damn good one.

The brevity of the words of this Whistleblower has never been more important. I thank the Whistleblower for being on our side, of which Donald J. Trump is obviously not. To him, and I have said this from the beginning of his occupation of the White House, everything is politics. That is not in the job description of the President of the USA.

Trump is a case in point that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The Whistleblower complaint will be a part of history that elevates the honor of the American people's demand of their country. Can't say thank you enough.

This what he did with "Executive Time."

I am sure I am not alone in thinking a task force needs to be set up by the US House to subpoena all Trump's phone records. It would take too long to include any of that information in an impeachment inquiry, but, for the sole purpose of understanding how world leaders might be compromised by Trump, Guiliani and Barr.

I am concerned with this new understanding of Trump and his ruthlessness along with Guiliani and Barr.  This is probably not an isolated incident. That Helsinki meeting went on for something like 3 and a half hours. They talked about a lot. I didn't trust him before and this only solidifies that profile of Trump.