Tuesday, November 19, 2019

There is something every wrong with a health care system that has alienated an entire generation of Americans.

Unfortunately, this isn't being reported by the AMA or the CDC or the NIH, it is being reported by financial pages. "Moody's" (click here) is reporting the decline in the health of our 30 somethings.

Moody's, the financial rating service. The USA has now abdicated health care vigilance to Moody's.

This makes the SECOND GROUP OF AMERICANS receiving reports of danger to their lives. First, it was White Men over 50 and not it is Millenials. This country is in trouble.

November 19, 2019
By Adriana Belmonte

The declining health of the millennial generation (click here) could have a serious impact on the U.S. health care system, according to experts.

“Millennials are seeing their health decline faster than the previous generation as they age,” a Moody’s Analytics report analyzing Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Index data stated. “Without intervention, millennials could feasibly see mortality rates climb up by more than 40% compared to Gen-Xers at the same age.” (Pew Research defines millennials as Americans born between 1981 and 1996.)

These declines will lead to greater demand for treatment, which could have a serious financial impact on the cost of health care....

These are the "Occupy Wall Street" folks. They were neglected then, does that mean they have discounted health care as important because just getting a job was nearly impossible.

From the report: 

1. Millennials are seeing their health decline faster than the previous generation as they age. This extends to both physical health conditions, such as hypertension and high cholesterol, and behavioral health conditions, such as major depression and hyperactivity. Without intervention, millennials could feasibly see mortality rates climb more than 40% compared to Gen-Xers at the same age.

2. These accelerated declines will result in greater demand for treatment and higher healthcare costs in the years ahead. Under the most adverse scenario, millennial treatment costs are projected to be as much as 33% higher than Gen-Xers experienced at a comparable age.

I may wrong, but, isn't this also the generation that has resulted in high obesity rates and early-onset Type 2 diabetes? It was what prompted the Obama Administration to chase down school lunches and healthier options for children.

3. Poorer health among millennials will keep them from contributing as much to the economy as they otherwise would, manifesting itself through higher unemployment and slower income growth. Under the most adverse set of projections, lower levels of health alone could cost millennials more than $4,500 per year in real per capita incomes compared to similarly aged Gen-Xers. Such impacts would be most likely concentrated in areas already struggling economically, potentially exacerbating instances of income inequality and contributing to a vicious cycle of even greater prevalence of behavioral health conditions.

These are the Americans with high student loan burdens. Those loans have impeded their ability to enter car markets at times and forget about owning a home. This generation has a lot of built-in stressors.

I know everyone will want to blame their use of the internet, but, that isn't it. It goes well beyond their online use. These folks are smart, a full 50 percent of that generation are college-educated. They left the "Occupy Wall Street" movement and took on the challenge of living in the USA themselves. This is where the microbreweries took off as a way to actually make a living and also employ others that did not have work.

This generation discovered "TED Talks" (click here) as a vehicle to find their way forward. They faced far more hardship at the ages of 20 than in previous generations. They had to make the world a place where they could survive and thrive if possible.

"The Food Truck" industry grew enormously in this generation.

My feeling is this, the health care industry as it exists today under Trump is not servicing the American people. It is too expensive and health care is being postponed for other priorities like a financial achievement to entering the housing market. This is the generation that was told, "IF YOU GET YOUR CREDIT RIGHT, THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER." 

They have a whole lot of stress because they don't understand unions. they don't understand paid holidays and vacation. They have it tough and now it is starting to show up, besides being 30 something with POSSIBLY families and their own planning for their children's future. Then add the mess that is education these days and they feel as though they PERSONALLY are the answer to make everything happen.

There is a lot to this generation and they need anthropologists to study their issues and then demand something be done about them. Wall Street is not the answer for these folks and I don't think it ever will be.

It has been 12 years since the onset of the 2008 global economic collapse in 2007 and not much has helped them. I guarantee they have postponed their own personal rewards for so long their hope for the future is disparaged beyond the understanding of any other generation.

The health care system needs to be revamped and I really think the country needs to seriously find a path to "Medicare of All." This is a very dangerous trend and it has to be stopped.

I've been looking at all these Medicare policies for seniors. This is the time of year when the seniors decide about which insurance company they want to gamble on for another year. If seniors look at their subscription costs, deductibles and co-pays and who knows what else; the costs are at a point whereby they MAYBE better off with straight-up Medicare, Part B (which they pay for every year anyway) and PERHAPS a Part D, IF online coupons won't help and sometimes they don't.

The Wall Street companies are screwing up the WELLNESS of Americans and the American people MUST find a far better solution than allowing Wall Street Profiteers to gamble with their lives. I have never meant it more. This is outrageous. Some of the most wonderful years of their lives are being diminished in quality because of stress and circumstances they cannot control.

TRUMP HAS NOT REWARDED SMALL BUSINESSES, where the Millenniums live, he has only provided enormous wealth to Wall Street. Enough of this. We must find the solutions for our people that provide QUALITY OF LIFE AND SECURITY FOR ALL GENERATIONS.

We need to move into a different energy paradigm with the idea all of the USA needs to be reviewed for lack of quality of life and security and correct the path. There is no choice, this must be done.

These findings have to be duplicated, hence, anthropologists and their more detailed findings.