Sunday, November 17, 2019

Money as a citizen.

"Citizens' United" is defeated when the sovereignty of the United States of America is defended. We have learned through the lavish spending in elections that money can be exploited by "entities, both foreign and domestic" to influence the outcomes.

Sovereignty demands elections are one person one vote, but, it also demands equality in the representation of the persons running (ie:Presidential Election Campaign Fund (PECF) (click here)) . In the media, a person can come forward to demand equal time under the law. However, when issue groups, superPACS and candidates display ads backed by enormous amounts of money the EQUALITY OF THE CANDIDATES in their access to every voter is vastly diminished.

We know through the application of "Citizens' United" that money should never have the equality of a citizen because of the potential for it to attack sovereignty.

In my opinion, candidates interested in understanding the people and knowing the issues should be measured by the shoe leather they have spent or in the case of the handicapped citizen, the number of miles traveled and meetings held.