Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Before everyone believes it is best to throw the baby out with the bath water, this is more a district by district issue.

I looked at the local districts where I live and the students are doing average to above average work. So, the idea DeVos in Washington, DC can dictate an overall policy for every student in the country is wrong.

She is only interested in allowing dollar for dollar TAX CREDITS for the wealthy.

This is a sample of the Louisiana school scores (click here).

This is a district by district issue and I guarantee it depends on wealth distribution, segregation and economic depression.

If a community has wealthy citizens and DeVos institutes her tax credit, the schools will be able to carry out more intense improvements, but, for depressed districts in a state like Louisiana, the changes will never come with DeVos's proposal. There is a huge wealth gap and it is effecting the education of American children. That needs to be addressed and federal programs that distribute monies to poor districts with targeted improvements KNOWN to improve student performance for that district is the way to improve quality of life for all Americans. The sooner wealth is not sequestered in pockets of opportunity in the USA, the sooner poverty will resolve and opportunity will replace it.