Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The extreme level of corruption of the Trump presidency is unprecedented.

When Richard Nixon faced an impeachment inquiry, he lied about the crimes leading to his impeachment. Nixon concealed facts. Now, that Trump is facing an impeachment inquiry he openly states all his infractions in the law as if the law doesn't matter. 

The law matters. The USA is built on it, "The Rule of Law."

The crimes of Richard Nixon in regard to the Watergate Hotel break-in of the Democratic headquarters pales in comparison to the crimes of Trump in regard to his own attempt to sabotage the free and fair elections of the USA. Richard Nixon did not seek to involve a foreign government, nor ask for a foreign government's help or withhold legislated munitions from a country in conflict with Russia. Richard Nixon resigned for his crimes and war pardoned by then-President Ford for the best interest of the country to move beyond the crimes that did exist.

The crimes of Trump are numerous and occur on a regular basis to insult the national security of the USA in compromising allies such as Ukraine. There is no comparison between Trump to Nixon. Donald J. Trump's crimes although like Nixon is from personal aspiration are on an entirely different level and cannot be ignored or denied.