Tuesday, October 08, 2019

October 8, 2019
Alexander Mishkin, left, and Ruslan Boshirov, who travelled under false names to conduct what became a botched assassination plot in Britain.By Michael Schwirtz

Alexander Mishkin, left, and Ruslan Boshirov, who travelled under false names to conduct what became a botched assassination plot in Britain

Last year, (click here) there was an attempt to assassinate a former Russian spy in Britain using a nerve agent.

Though the operations bore the fingerprints of Russia's intelligence services, authorities initially saw them as isolated, unconnected attacks.

Western security officials have now concluded that these operations, and potentially many others, are part of a coordinated and ongoing campaign to destabilise Europe, executed by an elite unit inside the Russian intelligence system skilled in subversion, sabotage and assassination.

The group, known as Unit 29155, has operated for at least a decade, yet Western officials only recently discovered it....