Monday, October 14, 2019

The Presidency of the United States of America is not "on the job training."

Donald Trump made his decision regarding northern Syria secretly because he knew the backlash he would get. He had to keep a campaign promise. He is truly "The Decider."

Now, we know his decision making, everything is one side or the other. National security often doesn't have that choice.

Now, the country knows for sure Trump is not a man that understands world affairs and the balance of power nor does he care to. He is a danger to the people of the USA. The rest of the world already knows he is dangerously stupid.

The ultmate in fear mongering is believed to be "The Turner Diaries.: They are most likely mandatory reading for the right wing. I am sure Trump has some knowledge of it by now. The Turner Diaries are believed to be the most anti-semetic book since Mein Kampf.

Author: William Pierce (as Andrew Macdonald), (click here) leader of the neo-Nazi National Alliance

Published: 1978

Publisher: Previously, the book was only available through the National Alliance's National Vanguard Press, but Barricade Books, a small independent publisher, began publishing it in 1996.

Premise: The diaries of Earl Turner, member of an underground white supremacist army, provide an inside account of an Aryan revolution that overturns the United States government in the near future.

Tone: Lurid, violent, apocalyptic, misogynistic, racist and anti-Semitic

Notable sequence: Turner's guerrilla unit detonates a homemade bomb at FBI headquarters, killing hundreds - a passage that came to be seen as foreshadowing, and as an inspiration to, Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.

Influence: One of the most widely read and cited books on the far-right; it has explicitly influenced, among others, The Order, the Aryan Republican Army, The New Order, Timothy McVeigh.


1991 - Turner's diaries begin, 1993 - Turner's last entry, his successful suicide bombing of the Pentagon, 1999 - Aryan forces triumph, the New Era begins, 2099 - the narrator "publishes" Turner's diaries.