Monday, September 02, 2019

This is from a website called "" (click here) I tried to find where the creators explain who they are, but, the site claims to advise those sports minded interested in wind, including surfers.

I did compare the map to others and it looks reasonable. Basically, Dorian is a very powerful storm with a dominance of air movement throughout the Gulf of Mexico as well. The land temperature is completely compensated from the colder air and has returned to high temperatures again. 

Dorian has stalled and harnessed the entire air mass over the Gulf of Mexico; ie: this map in motion at link above. There is plenty of fuel and nothing countering it. The Gulf is hot. The air is circulating across the Gulf and a portion is returning to Dorian's circulation.

People need to follow the recommendations of their local authorities. No exceptions. Stagnant hurricanes repeatedly assault infrastructure, over and over with their winds, rains and flooding. Infrastructure is not predictable with such forces acting on it. Listen to the local authorities. No one can predict how long stressed infrastructure will sustain it's usefulness.