Thursday, September 12, 2019

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are spot on in regard to the international standard and profile of the USA. There were 23 Senators that voted against the Iraq War. Senator Sanders is one of them. I don’t want to get into Bush and Cheney’s itchy trigger finger on Iraq but they announced their invasion while the UN inspectors were on the ground and had only hours to evacuate their teams before the invasion started on March 19-20, 2003.

Venezuela and Maduro’s war crimes is mostly about Russia and it’s victimization if the country and people of Venezuela. If Maduro is committing war crimes than so is Vladimir Putin.

Venezuela fell into economic ruin because of the price of oil. Russia took advantage of a weakened country and set up a nuclear military platform and Trump allowed. It has been at least months since I stated the Russian presence in Venezuela would be detrimental to the people and the country and the USA and I have been proved correct.

How is FARC doing?