Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Andrew Yang is in a different financial space than those effected by racism. (click here for article below - thank you)

Andrew Young is bringing up issues that other candidates should have better answers for such as statistics, the one percent and 0.1 percent. We know wealth is flowing to the top and the Middle Class is disappearing. The best example of the shrinking Middle Class is auto workers.

I think Andrew Yang was correct in forgiving racial epithets, however, he needs to address these issues. Andrew Yang has the luxury of wealth to forgive racial slurs. Wealth creates distance and comfort. In other circumstances, slurs affect people and their feelings about life. The rate of depression and other mental health tragedies are higher among CLUSTER groups in Asian Americans.

The article below uses statistics from 2007. But, it does reflect some issues that should be updated and explored.

Fact: Asian-American college students, had a higher rate of suicidal thoughts than White college students but there is no national data about their rate of suicide deaths.

Fact: American-Indian/Alaskan Native women aged 15-24 have the highest suicide rate compared to all racial/ethnic groups.