Monday, August 19, 2019

Eric Garner received a justice today from the NYPD.

The NYPD made the right decision. Officer Daniel Pantaleo violated regulations and caused a man's death. I am surprised the Grand Jury didn't return a charge of manslaughter. Officer Pantaleo would not be effective as an officer in New York City after this death.

Eric Garner was loved by his family. He obviously loved his wife and children. His children were achieving as American young people should. He was a good father and a good husband. It is sometimes hard for people to put into context a man so much a family man that he would so easily turn his back on laws to earn what appeared to be loose change.

Good people make decisions every day to act against their conscience in order to blend into a workplace or laugh with friends at minor moral violations or in the case of Eric Garner; make loose change in order to make the world better for his children. Those decisions are made and for the most part are benign to society and left to the individual to resolve. That day Eric Garner made his decision to find people that would buy cigarettes for a $1 each. He did not expect such a minor issue to escalate into his death. The loss of a husband and a father is a horrible thing and has lasting impacts that are difficult to resolve.

Officer Pantaleo violated the ethics and regulations of his job and a man died. My sincerest sympathies for Eric Garner's family, a justice was done today and I hope they can realize Eric Garner's life was valued today.