Saturday, August 24, 2019

Put the masters of fire together to fight the fires in the Amazon.

The burning of the Amazon is a human rights abuse. The Amazon is more than a natural resource, it is a requirement for the balance of Earth's troposphere.

Spain, Australia and the USA have ranks of people that have mastered fire. They could be tapped to fight the fires in the Amazon. There will have to be peacekeepers to accompany them to maintain peace while the fire fighters do there work.

There are also people in Africa that have been fighting poachers. They will be needed for two reasons, to stop poachers and bring the knowledge of living with wild animals. There are wild animals in the Amazon and they will be alarmed and forced into an agressive stance as the fires push them from their habitat. The Anti-Proacher fighters in Africa are used to far different animals than are in the Amazon. The people most knowledgable to the Amazon animals of entire food webs are very important. There are Ph.D. researchers throughout the region of the Amazon. They can provide the information necessary. 

The global community cannot allow this to continue.

There is a right wing radicalization of leadership in the world taking place, the current president of Brazil is one of them. The corruption that put them into power has to be identified for the greed they seek. That is what the right wing radicalization of government POWER, NOT THE PEOPLE, is doing; they are robbing the assets of a country for themselves. The nepotism of the Brazil president with his son is the very least of his corruption.

It is time the United Nations convene and identify this greed and horrors that accompany it.

The IPCC can be convened to assist in knowledge and organization to stop this abuse of Earth's beauty and protection of life. The loss of the Amazon of any amount is to be realized in balance with the loss of the carbon sinks of the sea, the corals. These carbon sinks and oxygen producers cannot go on any longer.

Time is of the essence.