Monday, August 05, 2019

My understanding of the White Supremacist/Nationalist man at the age of 19 to early 20s and not involved in a relationship is that they are a lone wolf. They are alone, dedicated and began their indoctrination in their early teens.

Computer isolation definitely contributes to their indoctrination. The isolation defines their masculine identity in violence and hate. The hate defines their spirituality.

White Supremacist language and symbols are not well known to teachers, parents or American society in general. That "secret" identity plays right into the identity of a teen boy that basically has trouble being accepted socially. The secret society and aloneness support them emotionally. They no longer need acceptance in any social situation. They have been removed from American society in it's values all while still attending school, etc.

Americans like to think they can take on such dynamics and turn it around. By the age of 19 that isn't possible. The secret society and it's value system is now about six years in the making in a 19 and 20 year old White Supremacist.