Wednesday, August 07, 2019

"Moscow Mitch" McConnell attempts to victimize an angry constituent/protester and is locked out of Twitter.

All McConnell and his staff can see is an angry person and the words that person used. They refuse to see the reason for the anger which is Moscow Mitch's corruption laced relationship with a Russian oligarch.

McConnell thinks he has done nothing wrong and does not deserve any protest or anger leveled at him. He plays footsie with a Russian oligarch and he believes he has done nothing wrong. 

Could you or I play footsie with a Russian oligarch? Would we ever conceive of such a thing? Never.

It is a known fact that Russia conducted cyberattacks on the DNC, DCCC and the Clinton Campaign. They never stopped there, they went on to publish emails on Russian websites they masked as legitimate American websites. Then they allowed even more lawlessness in publishing the yet undisclosed emails on Wikileaks.

If that wasn't enough to stop Moscow Mitch from being involved with a Russian Oligarch, he looked the other way as the Oligarch had sanctions lifted. Moscow Mitch's reward for looking the other way and obstructing the entire Senate from passing laws to prevent such lawlessness was a brand new factory in Kentucky by the very same oligarch.

Now that the American public knows the truth they are protesting and being angry and he doesn't like it. Moscow Mitch wants to sweep everything under any available rug and victimize the victim. The victim to Moscow Mitch's corruption is the American people. He acted in corruption and provided a financial base for a Russian oligarch and now he expects all the facts to simply disappear. In disappearing, of course, that means he and his staff get to attempt to make fools of those LEGITIMATELY ANGRY.

I don't think so.

I thank Twitter in ending the victimization of legitimately angry people that have a right to their anger. Moscow Mitch finds profanity embarrassing, but, publishes it in attempts to turn the tables on angry Kentuckians. Well, others that use and read Twitter find profanity embarrassing as well, but, that didn't stop Moscow Mitch. He deserved to lose his privileges.

August 7, 2019
By Phillip M. Bailey and Ben Tobin

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's campaign (click here) has been thrown in Twitter jail.

After sharing a video of a profanity-laced protest outside of the Kentucky Republican's home in Louisville, the campaign Twitter account, Team Mitch, has been locked out.

"This morning, Twitter locked our account for posting the video of real-world, violent threats made against Mitch McConnell. This is a problem with the speech police in America today," McConnell campaign manager Kevin Golden told the Courier Journal. "The Lexington Herald-Leader can attack Mitch with cartoon tombstones of his opponents. But we can’t mock it."

"Twitter will allow the words of “Massacre Mitch” to trend nationally on their platform, but locks our account for posting actual threats against us," Golden added. "We appealed and Twitter stood by their decision, saying our account will remain locked until we delete the video."...