Monday, August 12, 2019

More room for wealthy Chinese Oligarchs and less room for the Northern Triad asylum seekers.

That is what it boils down to, more room for the wealthy immigrant. Eventually, the asylum seekers will have a different status. These people are needy. There is no other way of looking at it. The question is will such attempts to eliminate the needy immigrant be legal? This is a blatant rule that DISCIMINATES along the line of income.

When poor immigrants come to the USA it is completely wrong to push them out of health care insurance. Our health is their health. That is public policy and it is the only one that matters. I do not see any poor immigrant passing up health care provided through Medicaid. To demand differently violates public health policy and endangers other people.

I don't think this will hold up, especially, with those that come defined by asylum.