Monday, July 08, 2019

Continued from previous entry

5. U.S. Operations in Political Rallies

The IRA organized and promoted political rallies inside the United States while posing as U.S. grassroots activists.

The deployment of the rallies were strategic and promoted before the actual individual notices went out. It was like an individual found a rally advertised and then invited people to attend.

First, the IRA used one of its preexisting social media personas (Facebook groups and Twitter accounts, for example) to announce and promote the event. The IRA then sent a large number of direct messages to followers of its social media account asking them to attend the event. From those who responded with interest in attending, the IRA then sought a U.S. person to serve as the event's coordinator. In most cases, the IRA account operator would tell the U.S. person that they personally could not attend the event due to some preexisting conflict or because they were somewhere else in the United States.82 The IRA then further promoted the event by contacting U.S. media about the event and directing them to speak with the coordinator.83 After the event, the IRA posted videos and photographs of the event to the IRA's social media accounts. 84

The Office identified dozens of U.S. rallies organized by the IRA. The earliest evidence of a rally was a "confederate rally" in November 2015. 85 The IRA continued to organize rallies even after the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The attendance at rallies varied. Some rallies appear to have drawn few (if any) participants while others drew hundreds The reach and success of these rallies were closely monitored 

Wow. The Russians were closely monitoring the response they received from White Supremacists/Nationalists. They want to inspire violence and a civil war within the USA.

It makes sense. Tell people there is a deep state and a woman that nearly made it to the White House is corrupt and untrustworthy and then portray Trump as a president under siege. It all works to instill hatred, anger and extreme nationalism. All Russia has to do is harness that energy and convert it to killing in the name of the USA Constitution and a return of a greater America.

That is why the rallies with more taking place after the election than before. Russia does not want to lose control of these people. They have the guns and the desire to revert the USA back to before the Civil War.

I can confidently say the very first Americans that would be rounded up, tried and hung would be the White Supremacists/Nationalists. Russia absolutely hates them.

No conqueror, like Russia, would allow those that executed the conquest to remain in power.

Harm to Ongoing Matter

80 Twitter, "Update on Twitter's Review of the 2016 US Election" (updated Jan. 31, 2018) (click here). Twitter also reported identifying 50,258 automated accounts connected to the Russian government, which tweeted more than a million times in the ten weeks before the election.

Talk about Robocalls. How about Robotweets?

81 Twitter, "Update on Twitter's Review of the 2016 US Election" (updated Jan. 31, 2018).

82 8/20/16 Facebook Message, ID 100009922908461 (Matt Skiber) to ID ...

83 See, e.g. , 7/21/ to ; 7/21/16 Email, to 

Very cute. Number 024. Not even the original and only Josh Milton.

84 @march_for_trump 6/25/16 Tweet (posting photos from rally outside Trump Tower). 

85 Instagram ID 2228012168 (Stand For Freedom) 11/3/15 Post ("Good evening buds! Well I am planning to organize a confederate rally[ . . . ] in Houston on the 14 of November and I want more people to attend.").

All this evidence is in a folder somewhere in the possession of the DOJ.

Page 30 is completely Harm to Ongoing Matter 

Anyone falling for this poster was reacting to Russian propaganda. The Mitch McConnell paradigm. Miners. Coal. There has not been significant numbers of coal minors in decades. Every year that goes by there are less and less numbers because of AUTOMATION. This poster plugs right into Republican rhetoric, even though it is mostly deceitful.

Pennsylvania? That was one of the first places to have coal mining dry up. The anthracite mines were the first mines to run out of the rock.

They generated this poster from history. Somehow, having the rally was going to regrow rock, too.

From June 2016 until the end of the presidential campaign, almost all of the U.S. rallies organized by the IRA focused on the U.S. election, often promoting the Trump Campaign and opposing the Clinton Campaign. Pro-Trump rallies included three in New York; a series of pro-Trump rallies in Florida in August 2016; and a series of pro-Trump rallies in October 2016 in Pennsylvania. The Florida rallies drew the attention of the Trump Campaign, which MINERS FOR TRUMP posted about the Miami rally on candidate Trump's Facebook BRING BACK OUR JOBS account (as discussed below).86

Many of the same IRA employees that oversaw the IRA's social media accounts also conducted the day - to - day recruiting for political rallies inside the United States Harm of Ongoing Matter  87

Continued in next entry