Tuesday, June 11, 2019

This is not a liason. It is a government paid lobbyist for McConnell's re-election.

Chow is breaking the law and exploiting the American people for re-election of her husband to the US Senate. This is not just an ethics violation, she is directing Labor Department monies to an exclusive lobbyist for her husband. She is breaking the law. She is stealing USA Treasury money for her own purpose.

Here again, taking the example of Trump's "in the open" lawbreaking.

June 11, 2019
By Jason Lemon

...Politico reported (click here) on Monday that Chao's Transportation Department had designated a special liaison to assist specifically with grant applications and other requests from her Republican husband McConnell, who is also the Senate majority leader. This effort set the stage for the approval of $78 million worth of projects in Kentucky, as McConnell runs for reelection in the state next year. 

"Where a Cabinet secretary is doing things that are going to help her husband get reelected, that starts to rise to the level of feeling more like corruption to the average American," John Hudak, the deputy director of the Center for Effective Public Management and a senior fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution told Politico. "I do think there are people who will see that as sort of 'swamp behavior.'"...