Saturday, June 29, 2019

Kushner's international summit is causing international backlash.

At least one Palestinian businessman was arrested by the Palestinian Authority to find out what transpired during the exclusive conference organized by Jared Kushner.

Every time the Trump administration moves internationally, it causes problems and TENSIONS. What do they think they are accomplishing by excluding the PA from proceedings that will ultimately effect them?

June 29, 2019
By Adam Rasgon

Palestinian policemen participate in a training session at their headquarters in the West Bank city of Hebron on January 30, 2019.

The Palestinian Authority (click here) arrested a Palestinian businessman who attended the US-led economic conference in Bahrain this past week where the Trump administration unveiled the economic aspects of its proposed peace plan, a senior PA official said on Saturday.

Saleh Abu Mayala was arrested in Hebron by Palestinian intelligence forces in an area under Palestinian Authority security control, the Hebron-based senior PA official told The Times of Israel....