Thursday, June 20, 2019

"...keep your foot on the gas..." Said differently, escalation, escalation and more escalation.

The Trump peace plan is war.


US National Security Advisor John Bolton (click here) will travel to Israel at the weekend for "regional security talks" with top Russian and Israeli officials, the White House said Thursday amid spiking tensions with Iran.

Bolton will meet Sunday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, followed by talks with his Israeli and Russian counterparts, Meir Ben-Shabbat and Nikolai Patrushev, NSC spokesman Garrett Marquis said...

The crisis with Iran is directly Donald Trump's fault. When will he accept responsibility? The Trump Cabal is the equivalent of premeditated international murder.

The USA military was conceived to protect the country and not for the use of private dreams of billionaires.

Not one terrorist, not one, of September 11, 2001, was a Shi'ite. Not one. They were Saudis.

The people of the USA need to begin now in writing their House and Senate representatives to end hostilities with Iran and return to the peace tables and reinstate the Iran Agreement.