Sunday, June 23, 2019

It is Sunday Night

I will give the stream a benefit of a doubt, but, it looks a little murky to me.

The air in the distance looks a little white rather than clear.

I am somewhat concerned most of the time about the youngest generation of Americans. Will live under a shifting baseline. Will they understand what a healthy Earth even looks like? Clean air, clean water and an intact natural world?

The word and the idea of tree has been included in song and poetry since the beginning of time. People are attached to the natural world even though it is not a daily admiration or dedication to it. Iconic natural areas are somewhat curious to me, like Central Park or the White House Rose Garden. People like the natural world and like spending time with it.

How many children climb a tree? Or swing from a homemade seat on rope and there is always the "tire swing." The experience with the natural world provides incredible opportunities for personal growth.

"Last Child in the Woods" (click here) was written to examine the effect of a modern day world that distances children from nature. It was written in 2008 and is still a reality check on children and the lack of the natural world in their lives. The outcomes reflect poorer achievement in schools. It is not to say the children sheltered from the natural world do not achieve, but, they are less engaged in discovery and inventive thinking.

Nature, like a singel tree, can challenge a child in a way nothing else can. Why do birds nest in a tree? It can't be replaced. The simple reality that a bird, a living thing, can find use of a tree to make a home for it's offspring is an incredible wonder to a child.