Saturday, June 15, 2019

A dangerous duo.

While tensions in the Middle East escalate due to Trump's reckless campaign promises, Russia has been disregarding nuclear weapon treaties and has returned to testing.

In the year 2019, the USA states it is "likely?" There needs to be a demand for transparency and a verification of such tests. These tests can effect the entire world and the world has a right to know what is transpiring with a return to hostile profiles.

Russia is an ally of every marginal country on the planet. With tensions increasing because of Trump's hostile stance, Russia is going to return to old methods to counter the fears that Trump is causing, ie: Venezuela is only one example. If the USA thinks it can start a war in the Middle East, it will most likely be the spark that begins WW III.

Aggression does not work in the Middle East, ie: Palestine and Israel, the chronic civil war in Syria and the forever war between Saudi Arabia and Yemen. The Middle East is a patchwork of tribal interests that once ignited will only awaken a global threat.

Russia will take a more aggressive stance globally if the USA continues down the path of war to maintain a campaign promise. This is an outrageous set of circumstances and the world has a right to know where all this is leading to end it before it begins.

May 30, 2019
By David Brennan

senior U.S. intelligence official (click here) has warned that Russia is likely conducting secret nuclear weapon tests at remote Arctic sites as it works to modernize its atomic arsenal, despite an internaitonal treaty prohibiting such activities.

Lieutenant General Robert Ashley, the director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, made the claim in a speech given on Wednesday at the Hudson Institute think tank in Washington, D.C., The Wall Street Journal reported. He said the U.S. believes that Russia is carrying out low-yield testing at Novaya Zemlya—a secluded archipelago above the Arctic Circle where the USSR often tested nuclear weapons.

Ashley's comments mark the first time the U.S. has publicly accused Russia of violating the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty ratified by Russia in 2000, which prohibits any tests that create a nuclear yield.

The U.S. never ratified the treaty, though has not carried out a nuclear test since 1992, The New York Times explained. Not enough nations ratified the agreement for it to take effect, though the Journal noted that major powers have agreed to abide by it....

No one should stand for Trump's demands for a greater war. Acrid air is what Trump and Putin are promising their countrymen.

Ambio. 2014 Oct; 43(6): 729–744.

Published online 2014 Feb 22

The beginning of the atomic age (click here) marked the outset of nuclear weapons testing, which is responsible for the radioactive contamination of a large number of sites worldwide. The paper aims to analyze nuclear weapons tests conducted in the second half of the twentieth century, highlighting the impact of radioactive pollution on the atmospheric, aquatic, and underground environments. Special attention was given to the concentration of main radioactive isotopes which were released, such as 14C, 137Cs, and 90Sr, generally stored in the atmosphere and marine environment. In addition, an attempt was made to trace the spatial delimitation of the most heavily contaminated sites worldwide, and to note the human exposure which has caused a significantly increased incidence of thyroidal cancer locally and regionally. The United States is one of the important examples of assessing the correlation between the increase in the thyroid cancer incidence rate and the continental-scale radioactive contamination with 131I, a radioactive isotope which was released in large amounts during the nuclear tests carried out in the main test site, Nevada.