Wednesday, May 29, 2019

With all sincerity, the Special Counsel's FINDINGS must be prosecuted.

It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of what Congress needs to carry it out. These findings are very serious, they assault the sovereignty of the USA, it involves cyber attacks against the American people's infrastructure to use it against them. This is no different than a terrorist's attack against the USA. The attacks carried out by Russia were ruthless and used the intellect of the American people against them while harnessing fear.

What is so disheartening is that the obstruction by the White House to all the requests and subpoenas of the US House has been obvious. We know now why the White House is determined to prevent Congress from moving forward. These actions by the White House also proves Trump does not want to be impeached. He is scared of Congress' power over his presidency.

This is a difficult time for the USA. The people have to be educated as to the reasons an impeachment inquiry will go forward. They need to know why Robert Mueller served as Special Counsel and why he spoke today to the facts of his findings, including correcting the dialogue surrounding his work. The Trump White House, since Bill Barr has become Attorney General has deceived and lied to the American people. Those lies have compounded the lies and fear instilled by Russia's KGB lead by Vladimir Putin.

The wrongdoing of Trump is unending. This is just the surface. There is a report in the Miami Herald of another FBI investigation regarding China and money funneling through the Trump Campaign's Victory Fund at Mar-a-Lago. This president is a criminal. His actions in many areas are questionable and according to the Special Counsel report indictable.

The Special Counsel's report is only the beginning.

The US Senate will have to be held responsible if it turns away from the findings of the Special Counsel and the FBI.