Friday, May 31, 2019

Let's get something straight about Trump, these deaths won't necessarily bother him.

Trump is a businessman, not a statesman. These deaths won't phase him if he decided to talk to Kim again.

The Third World is very attractive to business people and Wall Street. It isn't as though good relations will bring about democracy or a vast new customer base, but, it will provide cheap labor. So, the idea of improving corporate profits makes the people of the Third World a new harvest of profit taking.

Trump has already engaged Kim Jong Un in relations to bringing business interests to North Korea. I heard there were contracts already in the works. These deaths won't mean anything. They are simply processing problems for the North Korean regime. For all Trump cares, he will believe Kim and go along with the idea they were the cause of the failure of the talks. Any excuse is a good excuse.

Kim has killed his family. Trump knew that going into any "beautiful letter" relationship. Trump didn't care. It is about money.

Usually when the USA begins a new relationship with a country that has the history North Korea does with human rights abuses, there is a lot of concern for correcting that path before any business relationships are embarked on, but, to Trump human rights abuses are not the issue so much as beginning any form of exploitation of human labor or natural resources. Does anyone actually expect Trump to demand environmental regulations to North Korea or China?

He is not Obama or Bush or Clinton. They would seek a better and safer world for the USA to exist in by bringing change to the country. Trump is about money. Getting money. Spending money. Putting his name on any available building to bring more money to his company. Human rights and environmental integrity are foreign to him. He is not interested in being briefed about the higher moral path for anything.

So, don't expect Trump to be the master diplomat. He isn't interested. He is interested in a relationship that carries profits and nothing more. He could not care less about the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. He doesn't care if Russia invades the USA and assaults it's sovereign elections.

Donald Trump does not set limits and conditions, he asks how he can help North Korea with a new form of economy. Trump was engaged in building a tower in Moscow. Why? There aren't a whole lot better places that would be far more successful than Moscow? The Third World and developing economies is the only place where Trump's ideas are viable. He isn't going to take offense from Kim because he executed some people that got him P-O'ed.

May 31, 2019
By Gordon G. Chang

So far, (click here) the most important conclusion we can draw from reports North Korea’s senior nuclear negotiator and four foreign ministry officials were executed in March is this: Kim Jong Un is not the reliable, trustworthy negotiator President Trump has made him out to be.

According to the South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo, a senior aide to leader Kim Jong Un was “sent to a labor and reeducation camp,” and two lower-level officials were imprisoned....