Thursday, May 16, 2019

Here we go again with war mongers. To begin Hugh Hewitt is a liar. There are no ships sunk in recent mischief with oil tankers. There were four ships listing from fire damage. No doubt the damage was intended, but, they weren’t exactly new tankers either.

After a fast talking rant including genocide, Hewitt’s bottom line is regime change. What was Bush’s reason for illegally invading Iraq? Regime change. No more. 

When salesman Hewitt is replaced by someone intelligent that actually can speak to any problems with Iran, like someone from Brookings, the country might actually listen rather than quaking in election fear.

The cult of personality. Hate Saddam, invade Iraq. Hate Khamenei, invade Iran. The President of Iran, President Rouhani is one of the most progressive leaders Iran has had. If Trump’s administration continues it’s dialogue of violence Ahmadinejad or someone like him or worse will be back.