Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Trump Administration is a power grab for the benefit of unconscionable and highly immoral profits.

Insects are considered "cold blooded" as opposed to mammals that maintain their internal temperatures regardless of the temperature around them. Why is that important? Because, if you understand Darwin's "Origin of Species" it is easy to understand that temperature change is a huge issue when it comes to creatures without power over their climate.

Insects, for as much as humans like to exterminate them, are vital to ecosystems. They even enhance soil quality at times. I am sure everyone knows how worms aerate the soil, yes?

When the air temperature and the soil temperatures become to warm for the insects they die and/or they aren't able to reproduce. That is not a good thing. Organic farmers are very careful to protect their soils from chemicals to provide better crops and crop yields that consumers like and value.

American agriculture can't do without pollinators. While, commercial beekeepers are transporting bees from orchard to orchard, they are also transporting disease and it hurts the bees and the crops. 

If the climate crisis isn't bad enough, the US EPA under Trump is deregulating all kinds of nasty stuff and it is making it's way into the food chain of people as well as insects.

He is even assaulting Earth's ozone layer with abandon.

Stopped enforcing a 2015 rule (click here) that prohibited the use of hydrofluorocarbons, powerful greenhouse gases, in air-conditioners and refrigerators.

The return of acid rain.

Reverted to a weaker 2009 pollution permitting program for new power plants and expansions.

The petroleum industry is rejoicing over this one.

Proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan, which would have set strict limits on carbon emissions from coal- and gas-fired power plants. In August 2018, the E.P.A. drafted a replacement plan, called the Affordable Clean Energy rule, that would let states set their own rules.

Ever hear the word schadenfreude? You have now. Look it up. It will help explain the gaslighting of this administration in the White House.