Tuesday, January 29, 2019

There isn’t anyone in the world that knows what is happening with the Special Council. Former FBI Director is and always has been the best person for the job. He is securing the country. Everyone, without exception, should be releaved about that. Realizing the thorough nature of the Special Council’s expertise and dedication, the country is safer. I have no doubt about that. Former Director Mueller should have all the respect, resources and time needed to act to protect the country from foreign influence that seeks to undermine our democracy. I trust him.

Let me go on the record in stating I hate artificial intelligence. It appears to be a one way street. What it thinks it learns is never unlearns. It is a huge mistake to include it in national defense of this country.

AI wastes my time. It second guesses me and has authority in doing so. It worries me that it could second guess the trajectory of missiles. AI in national defense is a really stupid idea.