Saturday, January 26, 2019

Conservative politicians and their media minions should be ashamed of themselves for carrying on "hate politics" on the backs of federal employees and endangering the public, but, also the national security of the USA.

President Trump came to the conclusion that extremism doesn't work for America and ended the shutdown. He signed legislation he should have signed last year. He did the right thing only 35 days too late.

Now, the idiots that line the right wing extremism need to reassess their media minions and stop being lead around by the nose for no real apparent reason except to know who is a right wing nut and who is not. There is no purpose to the extremism witnessed after the bill was signed into law.

One of the culprits in all this is the 501(c)4. It is the reason the extremism exists in the first place. The Tea Party was built after President Obama was elected and their battle cry was extremist right wing positions and rhetoric. It spawned the most extremist caucus in the legislature, "The Freedom Caucus." They are dangerous and only exist because of illicit money thrown in to 501(C)4 coffers. The entire entity of government called the 501(c)4 has to be rewritten to exclude foreign money and when affiliated with a political party accountability provided.

The way the 501(c)4 is allowed to exist in the USA today, it has corrupted the country and allowed extremism to bring peril to our democracy and people. The reason the extremists are carrying on today is that they don't want to lose their money. It hasn't got to do with right or wrong, lawful or lawless, it is about plenty of money and the benefits it brings to themselves and their PACs. These PACS can spend 49 percent of their monies on political campaigns so long as they spend 51 percent on things like ultrasound imaging machines in abortion clinics.

Personage rights for the US Dollar have to end as well as that of corporations. The next thing will be to assign voting rights according to the amount of money one has in the bank. It won't be one vote per citizen, it will be one vote per dollar, including crytocurrency.