Saturday, September 15, 2018

Manafort was laundering money. A lot of Russian money.

September 15, 2018

Kiev, Ukraine — At first glance, (click here) what happened to Yevgeny G. Kaseyev hardly seems like misfortune.

Without his knowledge, he says, unknown individuals set up multiple companies in his name and deposited tens of millions of dollars into those companies’ bank accounts.

“Sometimes it seems fun,” Mr. Kaseyev, a 34-year-old hairdresser, said with a shrug during an interview. “I’m a secret millionaire.”

Until the authorities came calling, that is, seeking $30 million in back taxes.

One of the people who did business with a company opened under Mr. Kaseyev’s stolen identity didn’t mean anything to him. But the name certainly caught the eye of investigators in the United States: Paul J. Manafort.

Mr. Manafort, who worked for a decade as a political consultant in Ukraine before becoming chairman of the Trump campaign in 2016, made a deal worth hundreds of thousands of dollars with the shell company under the hairdresser’s name. It was called Neocom Systems Limited, according to a Ukrainian lawmaker....

...The companies set up with Mr. Kaseyev’s identity had bland names like April Limited and Neocom Systems Limited. For example, in 2009, Mr. Manafort signed an invoice for $750,000 addressed to Mr. Kaseyev as director of Neocom Systems....

Just to understand the implications to other investigations and "catch and kill," election tampering and obstruction.

...“I need to open up a company (click here) for the transfer of that info regarding our friend David,” Cohen says. “I’m going to do that right away. I’ve spoken to [Trump Organization CFO] Allen Weisselberg about how to set the whole thing up.”...

Want to know what real corruption is occurring right under the SEC's noses?

Get this. This is a case whereby the SEC was not being provided Whistleblower reports. The Whistleblower Protections under Dodd-Frank was being purposely misinterpreted so the Whitleblower only had to report to his boss for the protections afforded him or her. In other words, a bank or banking company or stock company could have corrupt practices that exist without ever reporting them to the SEC. Somewhere along the way, corporate America decided all the reporting of corruption can be kept in house without anyone from the government knowing about it. AND IT WAS DECIDED BY CORPORATIONS, IT WAS LEGAL to conduct themselves illegally:

March 13, 2018

...Recent U.S. Supreme Court Decision (click here) Limits Whistleblower Protections Under Dodd-Frank –

On February 21, 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision in Digital Reality Trust v. Somers, in which it held that the protections against retaliation for whistleblowers under Dodd-Frank apply only to whistleblowers who report violations to the SEC and not, for instance, to those who report violations of securities laws to their supervisors, as the SEC had interpreted the law to apply in its rulemaking.

Please see full Newsletter below for more information.

Russia is so corrupted in the financial sector of the world, they have their own notices and newsletter.

AND, whom exactly cozies up to Russia in Helsinki?

Why was Manafort ever in doubt about conviction in the first place? Hello?


Why burn the books, just censor them. Woodward should sue. The censorship of any library is a concrete assault against the First Amendment.

What next, Russian language lessons and only print approved by Putin?

September 15, 2018
By Alejandro de la Garza

One West Virginia library (click here) director’s decision to keep Bob Woodward’s Fear Out of her library has backfired.

Fear, an explosive book on the Trump Administration, is already regarded by many as one of the most important books of the year. But for Donna Crocker, the director of the Morgan County Public Library in Berkeley Springs, W.Va., the book had no place on her library’s shelves.

She told The Washington Post on Friday that the library had not stocked Fear, but gave no further reason as to why. The Post did report that the town of about 600 voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump in the 2016 election.

“I don’t want to get in the middle of that,” Crocker said. “We have other Trump books.”...