Sunday, August 26, 2018

August 20, 2018

Dalian -- Typhoon Rumbia (click here) brought heavy rain to the northeastern Chinese port city of Dalian, forcing the evacuation of 14,573 residents from disaster-prone regions.

Torrential rains hit on Sunday night and the city's meteorological center issued red alerts for the rainstorms Monday morning.

Precipitation in urban areas ranged from 50 to 70 mm in a 90-minute period.

Earlier rains saturated the soil and the latest rainstorm could trigger flooding and urban waterlogging. Local authorities on Sunday ordered closing scenic areas along the coast, rivers, and in the mountains.

Meanwhile, local education authorities ordered kindergartens, and education and training institutions to halt classes on Monday.

Twenty-one rescue teams of 1,960 people have been put on standby for potential disaster relief.