Friday, July 20, 2018

Who is patriotic the NFL or the players that take a knee? Who is nationalistic?

Not easy to decide, is it? May even feel torn by having to decide. Might even hurt to decide. So which is it?

The NFL is a plutocratic organization interested in profits. How many families have box seats with children in them? How many black families are in box seats?

How many owners were interested in the freedom of speech of the players? There was at least one that I recall.

Is there a real issue? Did President Trump take the concern of the players seriously or did he simply break down the issue into the contract and “You’re fired!”?

Are the players interested in playing football? From where I sit they love the game. They not only love the game they love those who love the game, right? Their fans.

Are there serious issues of racism and inequality in the USA? You betcha. 

So, who is patriotic the NFL or the players?

Who is worried about the country?

The players are patriotic and conflicted about the pressure they are under by contracts and the fans and a country in a world of hurt due to racism. The players often grew up as young black men with parents that warned them about their skin color and making it home safely. The players know it is real.

I was never a big fan of “W,” but, remember the steroid issue? “W” didn’t let it fester in the country and let young athletes of any ethnicity fall into the trap that would take the best years of their lives. What’s wrong with Trump?

Most of the NFL owners and $5 million Roger are nationalistic. They have money on the line and that is what matters to them. Their next fearsome foursome might be shot unarmed in the streets tonight, but, they do not care. They wave the flag regardless of the representation of the fans in the boxes or the kids with  love in their hearts for the game and their favorite players. They just want to sell tickets. Ruthless business men. I don’t think there is a woman owner, is there? I could be wrong about that.

The fact of the matter is that there should be no daylight between owners of the football team and their players. What concerns the players should concern the owners. $5 million dollar “never above fraud” Roger let politics into the game. Why not, he’s probably a Republican.

Donald Trump is failing this country and unarmed black men are dying and getting shot in the back and Black parents are still giving them the lecture about their skin color and making it home safe.

The players are patriots and President Trump is nationalistic. $5 million Roger is a lost cause that defrauded fans.