Monday, June 04, 2018

"Morning Papers"

The Rooster

"Okeydoke, so it is evening papers."

I have a story for you. There once was a man in New Zealand that painted penises wherever pot holes on the road existed. 

He did it so well, it got the attention of local authorities and they fixed the potholes without question. Well, the rest of the country empathized with him about potholes and wanted their potholes fixed. But, they were so embarrassed by the public display of disdain as Penis Art, they asked him to run for President.

The populous movement grew wildly and the people felt good to have 'one of their own' running as President. He was ultimately voted the "Populous Party" candidate and later won the general election.

When he got into office the first thing he did was sign an executive order mandating all potholes to be repaired as they happened and it was to stand for generations or until there were no more potholes due to modern technology. 

The people loved "Mr. Penis" and the people rejoiced. Then came the news there was a party of immigrants coming to their shore to seek a better life. "Mr. Penis" didn't know what to do so he turned to those that elected him and they were afraid of the immigrants. When the boats full of women and children, elderly and some men showed up on the shoreline, they were immediately escorted to Australia where they could live happily ever after in the Outback. 

As time wore on and "Mr. Penis" didn't know what to do time and time again, the people stated they loved the country's roads, but, not him and he was banished from the land forever in fear he would retaliate and paint penises all over the countryside. He was exiled to Australia where he now lives with the immigrants he once turned away.