Wednesday, May 09, 2018

The US EPA is worthless even in protecting American lives.

May 7, 2018

Wilmington, NC (WECT) - National Gypsum (click here) has announced that it is reopening its plant in Wilmington.
“We expect to have the plant operational by the end of the year,” said National Gypsum CEO Tom Nelson in a statement. “Wilmington will allow us to better respond to customer demand as the construction industry continues to build momentum.”
The company says it plans to hire 51 associates and will spend $25 million over the next five years to upgrade existing machinery as well as install new equipment....

There are high levels of formaldehyde affiliated with this company. It causes cancer. The children of Wilmington, North Carolina will be experiencing cancers in 20 years.

The US EPA is throwing the American people back to the 1960s when clean air and water were first an issue. See, Pruitt will change the toxic levels to provide for old industries to reignite their profit structure. Believe me, the Trump economy is a killer.

Especially in the south, the state and not the federal government will change the toxin levels to allow the companies to begin their production again. Acid rain will be back and all the nasty issues Americans used to face. There will be compromising lung disease in children and the list is too long to mention here.

However, one of the reasons National Gypsum seeks out east coast cities (the other being Miami) to produce it's product is the winds. The winds will help dilute the pollution. It will carry the pollution out to sea. There won't be mitigation of the toxins by the company, they will simply add wind movement into their formula to justify their toxin levels.

The problem for the people is who do they turn to and the answer is the courts. The people won't have ready organizations, except for the American Cancer Society and American Lung Association, to bring suit to end the assault against their health. They will have to organize and raise funds to advance their wellness through scientific information to end the return of these companies.

The reason Trump wants everything defunded in Washington is to remove any authority that can be used in the future to return regulations. I would think that obvious. He enjoys having long time staffers leave their jobs because that means a return of expertise to the agencies will take time in recruiting experts to work for the USA government. With Trump being the current reality there will be less and less confidence in a see-saw system of government in DC. The USA is a banana republic. It is now. Unless the people stabilize their government again and end the huge deficit spending of Trump, the USA will forever be untrustworthy.

Communities need to have at the ready organizations that can carry them into court with experts to end any assault against their health now that the US EPA is as corrupt as the day is long.

One would say, the elections have to prove to produce people that will act in the best interest of a communities health, but, whoever expected this? No one. So, trusted officials are now the enemy and it is difficult to direct policy and monies once such individuals are in place. The South has a horrible economy without such attacks on community health. North Carolina defaults to "the internet" for it's economy and the cities are basically ghost towns except for pawn shops and colleges and sparse sprinkling of Wall Street companies like McDonalds. "The Family Businesses" in the fashion of The Kochs is what Red State politicians seek to provide jobs. Companies like Dell don't stay. They accept all kinds of tax breaks and function for a short time, but, ultimately they leave. 

At any rate, that is the federal government now. It functions to bring companies back no matter the price and they call it governance. That is not governance, it is simply incompetents that allow the government to flounder and misdirect.

The current Department of Energy is a disaster zone. The issues in Puerto Rico regarding the energy grid is due to the lack of expertise in the Department of Energy right now. The Army Corp. is being used to shore up efforts. The Army Corp of Engineers is a stop gap until the Department of Energy prepares a strategy and revamps such problems. The Army Corp. is the only real agency of the USA government that can solve domestic problems right now. The US Army Corp. and the National Guard will be the infrastructure to domestic emergencies. The problem is that their role is extended far past what it should be. And then realize the National Guard is training others like Ukraine and the picture domestically gets really sad and stupid. Governors have to rethink the roll of the federal government now and into the future until things improve, if they ever do and the American people understand the importance of expertise and complexity.

Citizen's United disarmed the American people. Money can buy corruption. The really interesting thing is that Wall Street bought incompetency and greed in family owned businesses, not one of it's own and now Wall Street is a target.

It gets really scary to realize Trump is probably the smartest guy in the room at cabinet meetings.