Monday, May 21, 2018

On May 21st...

Stanislav Petrov awarded World Citizen Award for averting a potential nuclear war in 1983 after correctly guessing Russian early warning system at fault.

November 29, 2017
By Rajan Pokhrel

Kathmandu: A Sherpa climber (click here) who holds the Guinness World Record in Mt Everest climbing for 13 years is all set to lose his title after the Supreme Court invalidated the claims he made to the government authorities while obtaining a summit certificate.
A joint bench of Justices Cholendra Shumsher JB Rana and Dambar Bahadur Shahi yesterday issued a verdict to quash the government’s decision, saying Pemba Dorje Sherpa of Rolwaling, Dolakha, failed to produce substantial proof to authenticate his claim of climbing the world’s highest peak in eight hours and 10 minutes on 21 May, 2004....

On May 21, 1832, (click here) a group of delegates supporting President Andrew Jackson met in Baltimore to conduct the first official convention of the Democratic Party, setting some trends that lasted more than a century....

1927 Aviator Charles Lindbergh, in the Spirit of St. Louis, lands in Paris after the first solo air crossing of the Atlantic.

1932 First transatlantic solo flight by a woman, Amelia Earhart lands in Ireland.

Born in 1921 in Moscow, Russia, Andrei Sakharov, a nuclear physicist and Soviet dissident. He was renowned as the designer of the Soviet Union's Third Idea, a codename for Soviet development of thermonuclear weapons. He was an advocate of civil liberties and civil reforms in the Soviet Union and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1975. He died of a heart attack on December 14, 1989 at the age of 68.

In 1944, actor Burgess Meredith, age 36 weds actress Paulette Goddard, age 33 at David O'Selznick's Beverly Hills home.