Sunday, June 03, 2018

It's Sunday Night

FG candidate Emma Kiernan center and her pals on Facebook

30 May 2009

The 'Fine Girl' (click here) at the centre of a new picturegate controversy is quickly becoming a worldwide sensation.

Kildare election hopeful Emma Kiernan now has her own dedicated Facebook fan club and infamous blogger Guido Fawkes has even endorsed the candidate.

Emma shot to national fame after a chain mail featuring her photograph began to circulate in offices around the country.

The photograph, which was taken at a friends 30th birthday party, shows Ms Kiernan and two friends in a more than playful pose.

It was originally posted on a friend's Facebook page but was quickly lifted and emailed around the Republic.

And while Ms Kiernan's friend removed the image when they became aware of the chain mail, others have now set up a new page dedicated solely to the picture.

The new site was an instant hit and already has more than 250 fans.

The Irish don't consider racy photos a serious impediment to a political career.

When were you happiest? (click here)
On June 6 when I found out I had been elected to Newbridge Town Council.

What is your greatest fear?
Snakes, and pigeons. I would cross a road to avoid a pigeon.

What is your earliest memory?
I was three and I made a Humpty Dumpty out of a boiled egg. I left the room and when I came back it was gone. My dad said 'all the king's horses and all the king's men' had taken my egg!

Which living person do you most admire?
Both of my parents, I couldn't pick one of them.

What characteristic do you most dislike in yourself?
A bad temper and a short fuse.

What do you most dislike in others?
I can't stand laziness.

What would your super-power be?
Shapeshifting, so I could become anything I wanted to be, like something from X Men.

What is the part of your body you least like?
My bum, I think it's too big.

What is your favourite smell?
I love the smell of apple shampoo.

What is the greatest insult you've ever had directed at you?
Recently, I was told that I had set back the feminist movement 20 years and that Michael Collins (click here) would be spinning in his grave [when Facebook pictures of Emma appeared in the papers].

Who or what is the love of your life?
He'll kill me for saying this but it's my boyfriend Conor Connolly: he's in the Army.

What living person do you most dislike?
Osama Bin Laden. I was in America when 9/11 happened and it was just so horrific.

What is the biggest lie you've ever told?
That I'm a size 8.

What do you consider the most over-rated virtue?
Patience -- sometimes you can have too much and people take advantage.

If there was a film made of your life, who would play you?
It would have to be a redhead, so someone like Isla Fisher.

What characteristics have you inherited from your parents?
Patience from my dad and my mum can be very passionate so I think I've inherited that from her.

Three people you would invite to your dream dinner party?
Former US President George Bush, I have a lot of questions I'd like to ask him; Michael Collins and Ron Paul, an American senator who works on the campaign for liberty.

When did you last cry?
This morning when I got up too quickly at the copy machine and dropped a box of paper on my toe.

What keeps you awake at night?
Thinking about work. My day job is working in recruitment and it can be quite stressful. My new job as a councillor isn't keeping me awake at night -- yet!

What is the worst job you've done?

Handing out leaflets in the sweltering heat in San Francisco. Because I'm a redhead I just kept getting more and more burned because we were out all day and I couldn't get shelter from the sun.