Friday, April 27, 2018

It started with an election and a young leader that wanted the same thing.

I think Kim Jong Un wants this. He is a younger man and he has a family. I know that seems simplistic, but, peace can be exactly that simple. Ending the threat of war into the future is a lasting satisfaction.

The Korean Peninsula has seen generations pass with a constant fear of tomorrow. President Moon Jae-in understands the people of South Korea and their hopes to end such pain of tomorrow. I sincerely believe when he was elected the future came into focus and both leaders knew this was a moment that could not be squandered.

The world sits in skepticism, but, with every angry word spoken outside the process now underway, Kim Jong Un never allows it to fail. He is engaged in a process he sees as benevolent to his people and I sincerely believe he wants their lives to improve. This is a historic moment and these two men have a common goal.

April 22, 2018
By Kanga Kong and 

...Kim and South Korean President Moon Jae-in (click here) embraced after signing the deal during a historic meeting on their shared border, the first time a North Korean leader has set foot on the southern side. They announced plans to formally declare a resolution to the war and replace the 1953 armistice that ended open hostilities into a peace treaty by year’s end.

“We have agreed to share a firm determination to open a new era in which all Korean people enjoy prosperity and happiness on a peaceful land without wars,” Kim said, in his first remarks in front of the global press since taking power in 2011....