Wednesday, December 20, 2017

This is the difference between a "Plutocratic Regime" and a government of, by and FOR the people.

20 December 2017
By Julian Robinson

The EU's top court (click here) has ruled Uber is a taxi service and should be regulated like a taxi company rather than an app
The case, heard in Luxembourg's European Court of Justice, is yet another blow for Uber, which has drawn the fury of taxi drivers and officials around the world for flouting local regulations.

But the US-based company has insisted that the ruling, issued after a case brought by a taxi drivers' association in the Spanish city of Barcelona, will not affect its UK operation.

It comes the same week as one of its drivers admitted to the murder of a British embassy worker coming home from a night out in Beirut, Lebanon....

Uber and the rest, including AirBNB, are devastating to any society. It CHANGES language. Uber is not a RIDE SHARING SERVICE. It is a taxi service disseminated among any person in the land. There is absolutely no quality control or accountability. Lawsuits and class action lawsuits abound in the land of Uber, but, the consumer has sacrificed a great deal, especially when it comes to consumer safety.

Uber also breaks the law and races forward taking profits from taxi services only to change when a judge finally passes a sentence.

I will never use Uber, Lyft or AirBNB. They are dangerous and counterproductive to the American economy. We have seen law enforcement haul the mentally ill and now murderers into the prison system after committing crime, compliments of Uber. Uber and the rest are a Wall Street assault against 'the commons' and places a very dangerous element among the people.

In the name of what seems like an answer to organized taxi services that may be expensive; a computer took over. It is the attack of the machines to harness whatever wealth exists among the citizens of the USA. Ready for this? North Carolina lists Uber as an antidote to unemployment. NC has put innumerable independent taxis out of business. So, while NC believes it is cutting the cost of state unemployment recommending Uber to solve all ills, it creates unemployment and bankruptcy among it's existing economy. Ever wonder why the south has such impoverishment? It is because the computer is king and people be damned.

The North Carolina legislature has to be voted out of office.

January 26, 2017
By Adi Gaskell

Oxford Martin School’s Carl Benedikt Frey (click here) burst onto the public stage back in 2013 with a paper highlighting the risks various professions faced of automation in the coming years.

He has returned this week with a new paper that is no less contentious. It examines the impact Uber has had on the income of taxi drivers in a range of U.S. cities.

Despite widespread protests against the sharing economy platform, the analysis revealed that the impact was muted. For instance, whilst it typically resulted in a fall in income of around 10% among salaried drivers, it resulted in a 50% rise in the number of self-employed drivers in a city.

The authors believe their study represents the first serious look at the impact of sharing economy platforms such as Uber on jobs.

“Uber is the flagship of the sharing economy,” Frey says. “But what our study shows is that even in one of the sharing economy’s most exposed industries, traditional jobs have not been displaced.

"The effects are complex; while some have seen a loss in income, Uber has created more jobs than it has destroyed, demonstrated by the staggering expansion of self-employment following its introduction.”...

Uber is not sharing squat. Do Uber drivers receive stipends to improve the safety of their vehicles? No. Does Uber have an allowance for depreciation so it's drivers can replace their aged vehicles? No.

The PROPER use of Uber is to sell the technologies to Taxi Services to provide an automatic link to a licensed taxi service and move transportation quicker. But, to turn a computer application loose among the people is nothing but exploitation. Uber has no costs, except, to support the app. The idea of a computer application replacing an entire aspect of an economy is nothing short of moronity.