Sunday, December 03, 2017

I strongly believe Sarah is a problem while using "Fake News" as a crutch.

November 29, 2017
By Aaron Blake

Sarah and Bryan Sanders.
...Bryan was a press assistant for former Republican Sen. Sam Brownback. A year  later (after meeting Sarah Huckabee) he joined the Wicker Group (click here).

President Trump's controversial campaign (click here) against the threat he says Muslim extremists pose to the United States hit a new pitch Wednesday, when he retweeted a series of unverified videos of alleged Muslim violence from the account of a far-right anti-Muslim activist in Great Britain.

That was objectionable enough. But the White House's response carves an even deeper bunker.

In response to questions about the veracity of the videos Trump retweeted, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders offered this to CBS News's Major Garrett: “Whether it's a real video, the threat is real. His goal is to promote strong border security and strong national security.”

Yes, you read that right: The White House that complains almost daily about “fake news” doesn't care if these videos are fake news as long they serve real purposes. Sanders just tacitly endorsed the concept of propaganda, and she said it out loud.

This version of the ends justifying the means would make Machiavelli blush....

We know that Trump wants loyalists and to change the dialogue of the country to fit his own purposes. Sarah Sanders is an intricate part of that. Her husband, Bryan, makes his living doing exactly that.