Friday, November 03, 2017

The Democratic leadership is important. They need to have a PAC as well as providing a fundraiser to the DNC.

They are standing up for Americans against big money that wants more money and power. The American people need to invest in the party that gives a damn.

DNC should be providing full disclosure of income and where the monies are being spent. Voters need confidence. My guess is the voter is going to first complain about salaries the party pays to their employees. The DNC has to compete for employees no different than any other major organization. Discuss the reality of the world today and allow suggestions to be real IF it solves problems.

The DNC also should tap retired members for assistance in fundraising. The voice of unions need to be loud and clear, the Middle Class needs them. Ask the unions to carry out fundraising. The unions donate but could run independent fundraisers. There is no alternative for the DNC, they have to include unions in their identity, the Middle Class dies without them. The Democrats were on the House and Senate floor during the Janis hearing. They should consider submitting "a-friend-of-the-court" document regarding Janis.

When the DNC begins to have full partnership with it's candidates the organization will finally take on the issues of the people. They hae to represent the people.

THE TRUMP TAX CUT, "IS REALLY ANTI-SENIORS!" That needs to be a motto for the DNC.