Tuesday, November 07, 2017

I haven't seen the video and don't need to.

November 6, 2017
By Patrick Cockburn

...It is worth forcing oneself (click here) to look at this disgusting video again as Isis is driven by Iraqi security forces out of its last strongholds in the deserts of western Iraq. The movement, now defeated and almost eliminated, revelled in its cruelty and boasted of its mass killings in order to terrorise its opponents. The Camp Speicher massacre was its worst single atrocity in Iraq or Syria....

This picture says all that needs to be said. It is an Iraqi soldier praying at the feet of a massacred soldier in a mass grave by Daesh.

Let this be the next charismatic image to go out on the internet about Daesh. Let those so inclined to believe in a caliphate know how evil it's leaders sincerely are when asking for devotion around the world. Daesh leaders are their enemy, not those that seek to end the slaughter of the innocent.